---------------------------------------- 1.00 Using the Help Guides ........................................ This is the first of several guides which provide you with on-line help. Maximize this window by pressing ALT, SPACEBAR, X. To exit from this guide, click the mouse on "Exit" in the menu above; or press ALT+X. "Press ALT+X" means that you are to hold down the ALT key while pressing the X key; then release both keys. To view the additional text on this page, repeatedly press the down arrow key, or using a mouse, click on the down pointing arrow on the vertical scroll bar to the right of this window. To scroll quickly through text, you may use a mouse to "drag" the "scroll box" (the square box between the two arrows of the scroll bar). To "drag" is to press and hold the mouse button while moving the mouse. By looking at the position of the scroll box, you can see if your are near the beginning, middle or end of the text of this guide page. Each Guide consists of many pages with titles as shown above. The current page title will appear in reverse video in the window above. To view the next page press the PageDown key. To view a previous page press the PageUp key. As with this text you may scroll quickly through the page titles by dragging the scroll box to the right of the titles; or scroll one line at a time by clicking on the up or down pointing arrows to the right of the page titles. You may also select a desired page by clicking on the page title. Remember that the text shown in this box corresponds to the page title that appears above in reverse video. To print out all the pages of a Guide press ALT+P or click on Print in the menu bar above the Help Guide Page Titles. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.01 Interface Basics ........................................ If you are a new PC user, or are unfamiliar with how to use Microsoft Windows or OS/2 Presentation Mgr, this guide is for you. The following pages of this guide explain the basic operating techniques you'll need for working with this graphical interface. Press ALT, SpaceBar, R to restore the size of this Window, so you can see the application's main window. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.02 Click and Drag ........................................ The term "click" means to quickly press and release the mouse button. "Double-click" means to press and release the mouse button twice quickly. Unless otherwise specified, use the LEFT mouse button. The term "drag" means to hold down the mouse button while you slide the mouse. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.03 Window ........................................ The term "window" is defined as the rectangular area on the screen in which the application is viewed. The size and shape of the window may be altered to your specifications using commands in the Control menu. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.04 Focus ........................................ The term focus refers to the one active window on the screen. The one to which keyboard and mouse commands will be directed. The active window "has the focus." Use ALT+TAB to change the move the focus from one window to the next. ALT+TAB can be used to move to the application's main window, and back to this guide. You will see the color of the Title Bar of the window change when it has the focus. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.05 Title Bars and Menus ........................................ At the very top of the window is the "Title Bar" containing the name of the application running in that window (e.g. 1 Team or Active Life). The next bar across the top of the screen is called the "Menu Bar". It lists the titles of each menu of commands. A menu is a listing of commands which can be carried out you select them. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.06 Selecting ........................................ Before issuing commands for actions to be performed on a specific item, that item must first be "selected". When you make a selection, your choice will be accentuated in some way to stand out from the other available options. For example, a selected menu title or command will appear in reverse video as is the title of this page ("Selecting"). A selected command button in a dialog box will appear with a bold border. In general pressing ENTER will carry out or act on the selected option. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.07 Selecting a Menu ........................................ To select a menu press ALT and then underlined letter in the title of the menu. For example, to select the Edit menu press ALT and then E. (Once a menu is displayed, another menu can be selected by pressing the RIGHT or LEFT arrow keys.) Another method for selecting a menu from the Menu Bar is to press ALT (which will select the first menu on the Menu Bar) then press the RIGHT or LEFT arrow keys to select the menu you want and press ENTER. The full list of commands in that menu will then be displayed. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.08 Selecting a Menu Command ........................................ When a menu is displayed, select a command by pressing the underlined letter in the command name. The command will then be carried out. For example, to select the Copy command while the Edit menu is displayed, press C. Another method for selecting a menu command is as follows: When a menu has appeared, the command at the top of the list will be selected. Pressing ENTER will carry out this command. You may press the DOWN or UP arrow keys to select other commands in the menu. When you have selected the command you want, press ENTER. That command will then be executed. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.09 Inactive Commands ........................................ Occasionally you may see one or more command titles that appear lighter. These commands are inactive and are not available for use at that time. When it is appropriate to use them, these commands will become active. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.10 Exiting from a Menu ........................................ If you decide that you do not want to select a command from the menu on the screen, you can exit from that menu without executing any commands by pressing the key marked ESC. This will cancel the menu and return you to the primary window. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.11 Shortcut Commands ........................................ It is often possible to execute a command directly from the primary window without pulling down a menu. When there is a shortcut alternative available it will be listed in the menu after the command title. Note: These shortcuts are for use in the primary window and cannot be used while a menu is displayed. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.12 The Control Menu ........................................ The Control Menu contains commands which allow you to change the size of the window you are working in; move the window to a different place on the screen; and to exit from, or close, the window. The Control menu's title does not appear in the Menu Bar across the top of the screen but is symbolized by a box containing a small bar, or dash, in the upper left corner of the window. To display the Control menu, press ALT then the SPACEBAR. If you have a mouse you may move, size, minimize, and maximize a window directly and will not need to use the Control menu. With a mouse, the only time you will need to use the Control menu is for the Close and Restore commands. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.13 Window Moving (with keyboard) ........................................ To move the window to a different place on the screen, in the Control menu, press M. (The keystrokes for this are: ALT, SPACEBAR, M.) A four-headed arrow will appear on the screen. Use the arrow keys to move the window on the screen. When you have moved the borders to the area on the screen that you want the window to be displayed, press ENTER. The window will reappear within the new borders. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.14 Window Sizing (with keyboard) ........................................ To change the size of the window, display the Control menu, then press S. A four-headed arrow will appear in the window. Press one of the direction or arrow keys to select which border of the window you wish to move in order to expand or contract the window. For example, press the RIGHT arrow key to select the right border of the window. Once the border to be moved has been determined, use the arrow keys to adjust that border. When you are finished moving the border, press ENTER. The contents of the window will be adjusted to fit within the new borders. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.15 Minimize (with keyboard) ........................................ To temporarily remove a window from the screen so that you may view other windows, you may shrink the window to an icon which will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen. To do this, open the Control menu and press N. To return the window to the screen, press ALT+ESC until the desired icon has the focus, then open the Control Menu, and select the Restore or Maximize command. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.16 Maximize (with keyboard) ........................................ To expand the window to fill the entire screen, in the Control menu press X. (The keystrokes for this are: ALT, SPACEBAR, X.) The window will expand to the full size of the screen. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.17 Restore ........................................ If you have changed the size of the window or changed it to an icon, and wish to return it to its previous size, in the Control menu press R (or click on Restore). The window will be restored to its previous size on the screen. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.18 Close ........................................ To exit from the window and the application you were running, in the Control menu press C (or click on Close). A shortcut is CTRL+F4 if you are using Windows 3.0, or ALT+F4 if you have an earlier version of Windows. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.19 Window Moving (with mouse) ........................................ To move a window to another location on the screen simply drag the window's title bar or icon to the desired location and release the mouse button. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.20 Window Sizing (with mouse) ........................................ To change the size of a window, first point at the border that you want to change. When the pointer changes to a two-headed arrow, drag it until the window is the size that you want and then release the mouse button. Note: if you drag a corner, you may adjust two sides at once. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.21 Maximize (with mouse) ........................................ To expand a window to fill the entire screen, click on the upward pointing triangle in the upper right-hand corner of the window. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.22 Minimize (with mouse) ........................................ To temporarily remove a window so that you may view other windows, click on the single downward pointing triangle in the upper right-hand corner of the window. The window will shrink to an icon that will appear in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.23 Working with More than One Window ........................................ There is a pop-up calendar and Notebook application that run in their own windows, apart from the schedule window. Keystrokes and commands entered are directed to the window that has the "focus." The PageUp key, for example, scrolls a schedule when the primary window has the focus, but changes the month in the pop-up calendar when the calendar has the focus. You can tell at a glance which window has the focus, because it will have a unique color. If you are viewing the pop-up calendar, press the TAB key to switch the focus between the primary window and the calendar window. If you are running the Notebook, or another application, such as this guide, press ALT+TAB to cycle the focus between different applications. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.24 Working in Dialog Boxes ........................................ When additional information is needed to carry out a command, a "dialog box" will appear on the screen to enable you to enter the required information, or to select options or additional commands. The areas within the dialog box that you will work with include text boxes, option buttons, check boxes and command buttons. To move from one area to another within the dialog box, press the TAB key. Press SHIFT+TAB to move in the opposite direction. An alternate method of moving to areas within a dialog box is to hold down the ALT key then press the underlined letter in the area you wish to select. You will always know where you are within a dialog box by the position of the cursor. However, the cursor will take different forms depending on the area of the dialog box it is in. In a text box, for example, it will have the familiar appearance of a flashing, vertical line. But in an area of the dialog box containing command buttons, the cursor will appear as a gray outline around the command button title. In addition to a window having the focus, the area identified by the cursor is also said to have the "focus." Certain areas of the dialog box may appear gray in color and you will be unable to select the options they contain. These areas are inactive and their options and commands are unavailable at that time. They will become active when their use is appropriate. When a dialog box is displayed on the screen, it may already contain some information or have certain options highlighted. This information may be the default settings of the application or it may be information you have selected previously. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.25 Text Boxes ........................................ A text box is an area in the dialog box where you can enter text. In an Active Life text box, the cursor will appear as a blinking vertical line. Text will appear to the left of the cursor as it is entered. If there is already text in a text box, the entire line of text will be highlighted when it is selected. The cursor will appear to the right of the existing text. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.26 Option Buttons ........................................ When an option button is selected, the button title is enclosed in a gray box and the button itself is filled in with a black dot. The gray outline box around the title is the cursor. Use the arrow keys to select a different option button in an area of the dialog box. The gray outline around the button title (the cursor) will move to each button within that group. Only one option button in a group of buttons may be activated at one time. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.27 Check Boxes ........................................ A check box is a small square box that needs to be marked with an X to be selected. The cursor will appear as a vertical gray line to the right of the check box you are working with. To mark a check box with an X, press the SPACEBAR. An X will appear inside the box indicating that it has been selected. The spacebar is a toggle that will alternately mark a box with an X and erase it again. To remove an X inside a check box, select the box and press the SPACEBAR again. You may select more than one check box if you wish. Use the direction keys to move the cursor to the check boxes you wish to mark. When you mark a check box or select an option button then move to a different area within the dialog box, those choices will remain as selected. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 1.28 Command Buttons ........................................ Command buttons will cause a command to be executed when that button is selected. The title of the command is located inside of the button. When that button is highlighted, it will have a thick, heavy border and there will be a gray box (the cursor) surrounding the title inside the button. After selecting a command button, press ENTER to have the command carried out. ----------------------------------------